Leonard Cohen
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Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen je kanadski kantautor, muzičar, pisac i pesnik, rođen 21.septembra 1934.godine u Montrealu.
Potiče iz ugledne jevrejske porodice. Otac mu je umro još dok je bio dete, pa mu je deda dobrim delom preuzeo ulogu oca. Cohen se kao dete i srednjoškolac nije naročito iskazivao ocenama, iako je oduvek imao talent za pisanje, a zanimali su ga muzika, književnost i religija. 1951. u svojoj sedamnaestoj godini, započeo je sa pisanjem pesama. U to vreme upisuje se na McGill univerzitet gde sluša predmete iz pravnih i ekonomskih nauka, engleske i svetske književnosti. Tamo stiče prva književna poznanstva, što se ponajviše odnosi na formiranje studentskih umetničkih grupa i prijateljstva sa mentorima - starijim književnicima i profesorima.
Nakon što je diplomirao na montrealskom McGill univerzitetu, 1956. godine objavljuje svoju prvu knjigu pesama ,,Let Us Compare Mythologies" (,,Uporedimo mitologije"). Relativno dobro je prihvaćen kao mladi kanadski autor, iako izaziva brojne kontraverze. Pošto mu je Montreal ubrzo postao uzak u smislu umetničkog delovanja, puno vremena provodi u Nju Jorku, zatim na grčkom ostrvu Hidri (gde se odvilo jako plodno razdoblje njegovog stvaralaštva), Oslu, Kubi, Londonu... Vremenom razvija zreli umetnički izraz što se najbolje primećuje u njegovom prvom objavljenom muzičkom albumu.
Cohen se u svom radu često bavi međuljudskim odnosima, seksualnošću, eksploatacijom religije, kompleksnošću ljudske psihe..
Njegov prvi album pojavio se 1967. god. pod nazivom ,,Songs Of Leonard Cohen". Koreni ovog albuma nalaze se u nekim oblicima Evropskog folka.
1970-tih njegov stil se više okrenuo pop kulturi, kabare stilu i svetskoj muzičkoj sceni. Snimljeno je preko 2000 Cohen-ovih izvođenja, a kao izvođač uvršten je u ,,Canadian Music Hall Of Fame" i ,,Canadian Songwriters Hall Of Fame". Nosilac je i medalje ,,Order of Canada" - najviše civilne počasti.
Album ,,Songs Of Leonard Cohen" bio je suviše mračan za komercijalni uspeh na početku njegove karijere iako je u njemu bio primetan uticaj folka, ali u UK postaje kultno ime i zadržava se na chart-ovima tokom cele godine. Usledio je drugi album ,,Songs From A Room", (1969) , sa često obrađivanom pesmom ,,Bird On A Wire", zatim treći ,,Songs Of Love And Hate" (1971), četvrti ,,Live Songs" (1973), i peti studijski album ,New Skin Of The World Ceremony" (1974).
Iste godine, Cohen započinje saradnju sa pijanistom John Lissaueur-om i njihov zajednički rad dobija sve pohvale kritičara. U to vreme, između 1972. i 1979.godine Cohen je realizovao i dve turneje sa Jennifer Warnes kao pratećim vokalom. Pesma ,,Famous Blue Raincoat" postaje kult kao i sam Cohen.
1977. izlazi njegov šesti album ,,Death Of the Ladies Man" na čijoj je produkciji radio Phil Spector, poznat i kao tvorac tehnike ,,zvučnog zida", što je dodalo nekoliko slojeva u Cohen-ovu uobičajenu minimalizaciju zvuka i instrumentalizacije pozadine njegovog glasa. Cohen je smatrao rezultat grotesknim, ali i semi-virtuoznim.
1979. vraća se tradicionalnijem stilu kroz sedmi album ,,Recent Songs" na kojem je sam radio produkciju u saradnji sa Henry Lewy-jem. Na albumu se našlo i izvodjenje jazz-fusion benda, uključujući i orijentalne instrumente poput violine i mandoline.
1984. izdaje album ,,Various Positions" i svoju možda najpoznatiju pesmu ,,Dance me to the end of love", kao i često obrađivanu ,,Hallelujah".
1988. izlazi osmi album ,,I'm Your Man", odlikuje ga moderniji zvuk, a mnoge pesme imaju produkciju u sint-pop stilu. Na ovom albumu se nalazi pesma ,,Everybody Knows" koju je uradiio u saradnji sa Sharon Robinson.
1990-tih Cohenovu muziku otkriva i mlađa publika, kada je pesma ,,Everybody Knows" upotrebljena u filmu ,,Pump Up The Volume". 1992. izdaje deveti album ,,The Future" koji je bio ispunjen nadom, surovom istinom i napisan pomalo u stilu biblijskih proročanstava, naglašavajući politički i socijalni kolaps. Tri pesme sa albuma, ,,The Future", ,,Waiting for a Miracle" i ,,Anthem" pojavile su se u filmu ,,Natural Born Killers". Cohen kritikuje Sjedinjene Države, ali izjavljuje da ih i voli: ,,Volim zemlju, ali ne podnosim scenu."
2001. on se vraća muzici i izdaje deseti album ,,Ten New Songs", koji je možda i najviše melanhonličan album koji je snimio, ali poseduje manje ogorčenosti u tekstovima. 2004. Cohen izdaje jedanaesti album ,,Dear Heather", sa više vodećih ženskih vokala i čitanje poezije tokom izvođenja pesama.
Na velikom platnu, Cohen je bio tema dokumentarnog filma snimljenog 1965. godine - ,,Ladies and Gentelman... Mr.Leonard Cohen". Dokumentarni film ,,Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man" izašao je 2006. u Sjedinjenim Državama u režiji Lian Lunson-a. 2003. u Kanadi je snimljen i ,,The Favourite Game" (Le Jeu de l'ange) na osnovu njegove istoimene novele.
Shade- Elita
- Broj poruka : 10711
Pridružila/o se : 13.11.2010
Re: Leonard Cohen
Thousend kisses deep
Don't matter if the road is long
Don't matter if it's steep
Don't matter if the moon is gone
And the darkness is complete
Don't matter if we lose our way
It's written that we'll meet
At least, that's what I heard you say
A thousand kisses deep
I loved you when you opened
Like a lily to the heat
You see, I'm just another snowman
Standing in the rain and sleet
Who loved you with his frozen love
His second hand physique
With all he is and all he was
A thousand kisses deep
I know you had to lie to me
I know you had to cheat
You learned it on your father's knee
And at your mother's feet
But did you have to fight your way
Across the burning street
When all our vital interests lay
A thousand kisses deep
I'm turning tricks
I'm getting fixed
I'm back on boogie street
I'd like to quit the business
But I'm in it, so to speak
The thought of you is peaceful
And the file on you complete
Except what I forgot to do
A thousand kisses deep
Don't matter if you're rich and strong
Don't matter if you're weak
Don't matter if you write a song
The nightingales repeat
Don't matter if it's nine to five
Or timeless and unique
You ditch your life to stay alive
A thousand kisses deep
The ponies run
The girls are young
The odds are there to beat
You win a while, and then it's done
Your little winning streak
And summon now to deal with your
invincible defeat
You live your life as if it's real
A thousand kisses deep
I hear their voices in the wine
That sometimes did me seek
The band is playing Auld Lang Syne
But the heart will not retreat
There's no forsaking what you love
No existential leap
As witnessed here in time and blood
A thousand kisses deep
The ponies run, the girls are young,
The odds are there to beat.
You win a while, and then it?s done ?
Your little winning streak.
And summoned now to deal
With your invincible defeat,
You live your life as if it?s real,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.
I?m turning tricks, I?m getting fixed,
I?m back on Boogie Street.
You lose your grip, and then you slip
Into the Masterpiece.
And maybe I had miles to drive,
And promises to keep:
You ditch it all to stay alive,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.
And sometimes when the night is slow,
The wretched and the meek,
We gather up our hearts and go,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.
Confined to sex, we pressed against
The limits of the sea:
I saw there were no oceans left
For scavengers like me.
I made it to the forward deck.
I blessed our remnant fleet ?
And then consented to be wrecked,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.
I?m turning tricks, I?m getting fixed,
I?m back on Boogie Street.
I guess they won?t exchange the gifts
That you were meant to keep.
And quiet is the thought of you,
The file on you complete,
Except what we forgot to do,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.
And sometimes when the night is slow,
The wretched and the meek,
We gather up our hearts and go,
A Thousand Kisses Deep.
The ponies run, the girls are young,
The odds are there to beat
Shade- Elita
- Broj poruka : 10711
Pridružila/o se : 13.11.2010
Re: Leonard Cohen
In my secret life
I'm your man
I'm your man
Shade- Elita
- Broj poruka : 10711
Pridružila/o se : 13.11.2010
Re: Leonard Cohen
I built my house beside the wood
So I could hear you singing
And it was sweet and it was good
And love was all beginning
Fare thee well my nightingale
'Twas long ago I found you
Now all your songs of beauty fail
The forest closes 'round you
The sun goes down behind a veil
'Tis now that you would call me
So rest in peace my nightingale
Beneath your branch of holly
Fare thee well my nightingale
I lived but to be near you
Tho' you are singing somewhere still
I can no longer hear you.
Leonard Cohen's Nightingale
Shade- Elita
- Broj poruka : 10711
Pridružila/o se : 13.11.2010
Re: Leonard Cohen
Ljubav je vatra.
Ona sagori svakoga.
Ona razobliči svakoga.
Ona je opravdanje sveta za njegovu nakaznost.
Leonard Cohen
Ona sagori svakoga.
Ona razobliči svakoga.
Ona je opravdanje sveta za njegovu nakaznost.
Leonard Cohen
Shade- Elita
- Broj poruka : 10711
Pridružila/o se : 13.11.2010
Re: Leonard Cohen
Here It Is
Here is your crown
And your seal and rings;
And here is your love
For all things.
Here is your cart,
And your cardboard and piss;
And here is your love
For all of this.
May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And my love, Goodbye.
Here is your wine,
And your drunken fall;
And here is your love.
Your love for it all.
Here is your sickness.
Your bed and your pan;
And here is your love
For the woman, the man.
May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And, my love, Goodbye.
And here is the night,
The night has begun;
And here is your death
In the heart of your son.
And here is the dawn,
(Until death do us part);
And here is your death,
In your daughter’s heart.
May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And, my love, Goodbye.
And here you are hurried,
And here you are gone;
And here is the love,
That it’s all built upon.
Here is your cross,
Your nails and your hill;
And here is your love,
That lists where it will
May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And my love, Goodbye.
Shade- Elita
- Broj poruka : 10711
Pridružila/o se : 13.11.2010
Re: Leonard Cohen
Ulazimo u razdoblje zbunjenosti, u jedan čudan čas kad ljudi pronalaze svetlo sred očajanja i vrtoglavicu na vrhu svojih nadanja. To je i religijski trenutak takođe i evo gde se krije opasnost. Ljudi ce hteti da slušaju glas Autoriteta i mnogi će se čudni konstrukti o tome šta je Autoritet javiti i svim umovima. Porodica će se ponovo ukazati kao Temelj, vrlo poštovan, vrlo hvaljen, ali oni medju nama busni od drugih mogucnosti, naprosto ce i dalje otaljavati svoje radnje, pa makar to bile i radnje ljubavi. Javnost koja cezne za Redom pozvace mnoga tvrdokorna i neumoljiva lica da ga nametnu. Tuga zooloskog vrta srucice se na covekovo drustvo.
Ti i ja koji ceznemo za prisnoscu bez krivice, mi necemo imati volje da Izustimo cak ni one prve reci znatizeljnog ushicenja zbog straha od odmazde. Svako ocajanje obitavace skriveno u shali. Ali ja se kunem da cu ostati negde unutar domasaja tvog parfema...
Knjiga čežnje
Leonard Cohen
Re: Leonard Cohen
And where, where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight
I've heard all the wild reports, they can't be right
But whose head is this she's dancing with on the threshing floor
whose darkness deepens in her arms a little more
And where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight?
Where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight?
Ah the silver knives are flashing in the tired old cafe
A ghost climbs on the table in a bridal negligee
She says, "My body is the light, my body is the way"
I raise my arm against it all and I catch the bride's bouquet
And where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight?
Too early for the rainbow, too early for the dove
These are the final days, this is the darkness, this is the flood
And there is no man or woman who can't be touched
But you who come between them will be judged
And where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight?
I've heard all the wild reports, they can't be right
But whose head is this she's dancing with on the threshing floor
whose darkness deepens in her arms a little more
And where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight?
Where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight?
Ah the silver knives are flashing in the tired old cafe
A ghost climbs on the table in a bridal negligee
She says, "My body is the light, my body is the way"
I raise my arm against it all and I catch the bride's bouquet
And where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight?
Too early for the rainbow, too early for the dove
These are the final days, this is the darkness, this is the flood
And there is no man or woman who can't be touched
But you who come between them will be judged
And where, where is my Gypsy wife tonight?
Zvončica- Počasni član
- Broj poruka : 7716
Pridružila/o se : 14.03.2011
Re: Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen - Hey, thats no way to say goodbye
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes, many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but now it's come to distances and both of us must try,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I'm not looking for another as I wander in my time,
walk me to the corner, our steps will always rhyme
you know my love goes with you as your love stays with me,
it's just the way it changes, like the shoreline and the sea,
but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't untie,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't untie,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes, many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but now it's come to distances and both of us must try,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I'm not looking for another as I wander in my time,
walk me to the corner, our steps will always rhyme
you know my love goes with you as your love stays with me,
it's just the way it changes, like the shoreline and the sea,
but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't untie,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't untie,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
Re: Leonard Cohen
Ova pesma - The Gypsy wife - je bozanstvena, preslusavam je ceo dan.
ivonka- Elita
- Broj poruka : 2897
Pridružila/o se : 05.03.2011
Re: Leonard Cohen
Večeras bejah u društvu bračnog para i naravno pretpostavljate, muž je vodio glavnu reč, nekako se priča zalomi i na Cohen-u. E ljudi moji, šta da vam kažem, osim da je moj jedini komentar bio da ja ne znam ništa o njemu, osim da sam načula da je nakad izvodio pesmu Suzana. Čudo jedno kako ljudi sve znaju od kad postoji Google.
Vratimo se temi. Moja najdraža od njega je
Who by Fire
And who by fire, who by water,
Who in the sunshine, who in the night time,
Who by high ordeal, who by common trial,
Who in your merry merry month of may,
Who by very slow decay,
And who shall I say is calling?
And who in her lonely slip, who by barbiturate,
Who in these realms of love, who by something blunt,
And who by avalanche, who by powder,
Who for his greed, who for his hunger,
And who shall I say is calling?
And who by brave assent, who by accident,
Who in solitude, who in this mirror,
Who by his lady's command, who by his own hand,
Who in mortal chains, who in power,
And who shall I say is calling?
And who by fire, who by water,
Who in the sunshine, who in the night time,
Who by high ordeal, who by common trial,
Who in your merry merry month of may,
Who by very slow decay,
And who shall I say is calling?
And who in her lonely slip, who by barbiturate,
Who in these realms of love, who by something blunt,
And who by avalanche, who by powder,
Who for his greed, who for his hunger,
And who shall I say is calling?
And who by brave assent, who by accident,
Who in solitude, who in this mirror,
Who by his lady's command, who by his own hand,
Who in mortal chains, who in power,
And who shall I say is calling?
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